Wednesday, November 29, 2006

The Symbiosis of Choas Theory and Jungian Psychology?

Here is an interesting one I crawled across, it seems to have some unusual uses for choas theory and Jungian psychology to describe symbiosis.

Complex Systems and Symbiosis

by Gerald Schueler, Ph.D. © 1997


The concept of symbiosis is extended to Jungian psychology, where the ego and Self are considered as two living symbiotic systems. The ego and Self appear to form a symbiotic relationship of continuous and obligate mutualism. The ego and psyche are both considered to be dissipative systems as defined in modern chaos theory. Dreams are shown to be feedback loops from the Self to the ego. Phase locking or entrainment is one possible outcome of the symbiotic relationship between the ego and the Self. During the first half of life, the ego develops relative independence. The primary feedback loop operating is the dream and the ego is drawn back to the Self during the second half of life through entrainment. Mental health, during the second half of life, can only be maintained by the ego becoming conscious of this relationship, and deliberately encouraging and enhancing it. An optimum level of conscious awareness is required because too much can result in inflation, while too little can result in alienation, and both of these extremes can easily become pathological. The ultimate goal of this symbiotic relationship is individuation.

As intriguing as it sounds there may be some gaps one would have to fill in order to make this line of thinking work. Like perhaps some measurements that are quantifiable!

Perhaps Cosma down at Three-Toed Sloth could chime in on this line of thinking! Maybe not, as suggested by this blog: Origin of the Fermi Surface in the Breakdown of the Bicameral Mind (I Don't Know You People, Part III). Perhaps he has checked over the work of Julian Jaynes and hence the title of his blog. I personally found 'Origins of Consciousness...' a very interesting investigation into an area that we have yet to fully fathom and understand, IMHO.

If you are interested in complex systems, stochastics, and other ramblings of another madman, then Three-Toed Sloth may be worth looking into. If you really want to crawl down the rabbit hole then might I suggest looking into some of Cosma's work on Stochastic Processes (Advanced Probability II). WARNING: Not for the faint at heart if you have not looked at his website yet.

If you feel you need a primer I would suggest looking into the site of Dr. John Evans or HyperPhysics. He can get you started down that long pristine path known as complex systems.

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