Friday, April 27, 2007

Sen. Mike Gravel at SC Debates 04/26/07

Admittedly I did not watch the debates because personally I found most of the candidates part of the same old tired three ring circus that is the farce of our political system. Does any one else find it odd that the democratic debates are happening a year and a half out from the election? Anyway, there did appear to be one voice that caught my attention from the net and that has to be the one of Mike Gravel. Instead of grandstanding and doing the usual diatribe of barely palatable sound bites that only a smooth brained simian could tolerate apparently he made quite a few cogent statements that put a monkey wrench in the business as usual claptrap that passes for political discourse. He had the balls to stand up and say something intelligent and thoughtful. Good for him and all of us! Of course that won't make our overlords very happy and that will spell his demise! But to hell with our invisible overlords, they live in a fantasy land anyway and don't have the guts to live in the real world! Of course they can afford not too. But for the rest of us.....?!? So hats off to you Sen. Gravel, you may have ended your career but making your voice heard was far more important! You'd have my vote in '08, but that is so far off and a lot will probably happen between now and then! Hopefully the Republic will survive long enough for another election. I just have doubts!

Here he is straightening out the pundits!

Senator Mike Gravel talks about Iraq

60 second campaign spot!

Gravel For President!

We need more brave souls like yourself, sir!

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